Toyota Motors Czech began to reorganize its Central European representations. The company combines sales, marketing and after-sales services in the Czech Republic , Hungary and the Slovak Republic in the interests of the company’s profit.
Toyota Central Europe (TCE ) will coordinate all sales, marketing and after-sales strategy for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary from 1 January 2015.
At this date, Toyota Motor Czech Republic ( TMCZ ) and Toyota Motor Slovakia ( TMSK ) will act as a liaison company behalf of Toyota Central Europe for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
President of Toyota Motor Europe ( TMCZ ) was appointed Shingo Kato on 1 April 2014.
Part of Prague’s staff will go to Budapest, the othe group of employees will be offered voluntary retirement. Toyota Motor Hungary ( TMH ) is converted into a regional marketing and trading company of Toyota Central Europe (TCE ), which will be responsible for strategic management in the region.
The important functions in relation to customers and dealers remain in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary, while operational background and strategic functions will move to TCE .
“Central Europe is for Toyota very important region, and this new arrangement is the best way to ensure the future sustainable and profitable business model on these key markets, ” said Daniele Schillaci , Senior Vice President of Sales at Toyota Motor Europe .
Several employees TMCZ will join Toyota Central Europe in Budapest. TMCZ also offer voluntary retirement program, under which applicants will be able to take advantage of incentive compensation in the event of retirement and outplacement services in finding another job outside the company.
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