Czech Ministry of Transportation was criticized for the lack of concept in the field of motor vehicles recently. Director of the Automobile Traffic Department Josef Pokorny spoke about the situation this week at SOVA press conference.
Pokorny worked for the office many years, but he left the ministry a few years ago, after some disagreements with the former Transport Minister Vit Barta.
“But I returned last year, unfortunately with the finding that functioning of the office was stopped. The Ministry has donated more routine matters, conceptual things were postponed to the next governments,” said Pokorny.
The contemporary perspective of government, according to him, allows to move forward a number of issues again.
“The Motor Vehicle Registry is now the main topic . The current registry still has a number of shortcomings and provides users with comfort indebted to this time,” said the director .
The new concept is also prepared for the production and distribution of license plates . “It will be inspired by the German model, they have the plates owned by motorists. Germany tunes the system since 1956, we are just at the beginning,” Pokorny said humbly.
He also spoke about the STK stations. “The ministry is preparing a new decree for the STK and emission stations. We want to set significant shifts in the process of vehicle controls, ” said Josef Pokorny.
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